Художественная литература в Ивано-Франковской области
Exclusion Zone by John NicholThe Falklands, 1999 - a vital strategic stronghold and a prize gem in the oil-rich South Atlantic. For RAF pilot Sean Riever it is a place of ghosts.
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Olchi-Detektive. Tier-Alarm um Mitternacht von Erhard DietlPaddock und Dumpy nehmen die Fährte auf! Mit abenteuerlichen Detektiv-Gadgets, die Professor Brausewein entwickelt, und mithilfe der Olchis ...
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Das Gemini-Ritual von John F. CaseAls Fernsehjournalist kennt Alexander Callahan jede Art von menschlichem Elend. Doch als seine sechsjährigen Zwillingssöhne Sean und Kevin aus ...
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Right to the Edge: Sydney to Tokyo by Any MeansUsing quad bikes, hovercrafts, wooden scooters, canoes, paragliders, and of course his favorite mode of transportationmotorcycleCharley travels ...
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An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington by Karl PilkingtonPresenting the Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington: Adventurer. Philosopher. Idiot.
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Cuentos de Eva Luna - Isabel AllendeUna niña solitaria se enamora del amante de su madre y practica misteriosas ceremonias rituales; una mujer permanece medio siglo encerrada en
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Modern Canadian Stories by John Stevens (Editor)Abounding in the energy, variety and unexplored riches of the modern Canadian short story, this is perhaps the most ...
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Эмрах и Сельви и другие турецкие народные повестиСборник включает наиболее интересные образцы широко известного в Турции жанра народной повести.
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Heaven's on Hold by Sarah HarrisonDavid Keating fears he may be all these things. What saves him from despair is his middle-years marriage to tough driven attraction of opposites. ...
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Кульбаба бажань або веселі пригоди Гаріка і Кузі Олександр ОрловВи тримаєте в руках захоплюючу, а головне - цікаву не лише дітям (6+), а й дорослим, книгу про двох казкових хлопчиків крихтунів, які вирушають ...
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The Virgin and the Gipsy by D.H. LawrenceAn electrifying short novel published posthumously set in a small village in the English countryside and tells the story of a sheltered rector's ...
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Catch Falling Spy by Len DeightonUS Secret Service high-up Colonel Mann is the main foil to the British agent in this story, which is set in the Arab world and the wastes ...
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The Maiden's Bequest, the Minister's Restoration, the Laird's Inheritance: Three Novels in One Volume - George MacDonaldThree Powerful Novels From the Scottish Writer Whom C. S. Lewis Called His "Master" The Maiden's Bequest Orphaned as a child, Annie Anderson's ....
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Eyes of a Child - Richard North PattersonA man has been found dead, a gun still wedged in his mouth. It looks like Ricardo Arias killed himself…but the physical evidence tells a different ..
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Balance of Power by Richard North PattersonAn epic story that moves with force, passion, and authority, Balance of Power begins when President Kerry Kilcannon and television journalist ...
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Conviction by Richard North Patterson'A must read' Former President Bill Clinton
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Silent Witness by Richard North Patterson1967, Lake City, Ohio. Tony Lord and Sam Robb, both in their teens, are best friends and athletic rivals. Twenty-eight years later, ...
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No Safe Place Richard North PattersonIn the high-stakes, high-pressure world of Presidential politics, where predators carry microphones and one misstep can savage a lifetime ...
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Eclipse by Richard North PattersonIn a novel of international intrigue, an American lawyer, Damon Pierce, attempts to save Bobby Okari, the West African leader of a protest movement,..
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Schulzenhofer Kramkalender - Erwin Strittmatter200 poetische Miniaturen zeigen Strittmatter als brillanten Meister der kurzen, komprimierten Form: von der Anekdote bis zu Reflexionen über ...
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Hitty: Her First Hundred Years - Rachel FieldA doll named Hitty recounts her adventures--from a whaling expedition to the Civil War to the stock market crash--as she moves through...
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Chanakya's Chant by Ashwin SanghiThe year is 340 BC. A hunted, haunted Brahmin youth vows revenge for the gruesome murder of his beloved father. Cold, cunning, calculating, cruel and
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Entre los caballeros del espíritu negro - Yury Dold-MijáilikEl libro es continuación de la novela A solas con el enemigo.
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Broken Wings by V.C. AndrewsThree girls from different worlds with one thing in common: They were born to be wild.
Robin...With a mom who's more absorbed in her singing career
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La dame aux oeillets de A. J. CroninEn achetant la miniature de Holbein, dite de la Dame aux Œillets, Catherine Lorimer joue le jeu de la fortune et du hasard.
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Cigarrales de Toledo - Tirso de MolinaFray Gabriel Téllez, que inmortalizó el seudónimo Tirso de Maling, vio la luz en Madrid, tal vez en 1584. Murió en Soria on 1648.
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Liza of Lambeth by W. Somerset MaughamLiza of Lambeth (1897) was W. Somerset Maugham's first novel, which he wrote while working as a doctor at a hospital in Lambeth, then a working ...
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